Multiaxial analysis

In: Local elastic stress methods

Read more about this type of methods on:

- local methods

- multiaxial analysis

If you are interested of a prediction quality of the many methods grouped in this category, look at the FatLim database available on

The multiaxial methods within the branch of local elastic stress methods that are implemented in PragTic are:

* Carpinteri & Spagnoli method with SWT modification

* Carpinteri & Spagnoli method with SWT and MD modifications

* Crossland method

* Dang Van method

* Findley method

* Fogue method

* Gonçalves, Araújo & Mamiya (GAM) method

* Liu & Mahadevan method

* Liu & Zenner method

* Matake method

* McDiarmid method v. 72

* McDiarmid method v. 91

* Ninic method with SWT modification

* Papadopoulos method

* Papuga PCr method

* Papuga PI method

* Robert method

* Sines method

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